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Myopia with Soft Multifocals

Center Distance Multifocal Contacts May Slow, Halt Myopia

Scleral Lens for Dry Eye Thumbnail.jpgMyopia, (nearsightedness – distance objects appear blurry, near objects appear clear) has been increasing in prevalence throughout the world over the last 30 years, with an incidence at younger and younger ages, leading to increased levels of high myopia. It is generally agreed, and well supported in the literature, that myopia progression can be effectively slowed with multifocal contact lenses, orthokeratology, and anti-muscarinic agents such as atropine.

Practitioners should consider using multifocal contact lens designs that slow the progression of myopia in children, according to researchers.

A retrospective case series included 32 patients between 6 and 19 years old who were at least -0.50 D with current corrections. The subjects were fit with an extended depth of focus (center distance) multifocal soft contact lens, NaturalVue Multifocal 1 Day Contact Lenses by Visioneering Technologies Inc.

Researchers believe that the significant reduction of myopic progression was due to the higher amount of plus in the periphery associated with the extended depth of focus optics in the lens design.

Approximately 98.4% of the children showed a reduction of annualized myopic progression, and 91% showed a decrease of 70% or greater, researchers wrote. More than 80% showed complete halting of myopic progression, including 6.25% demonstrating myopic regression.

Dr. Neil Margolis is proud to offer this technology to his myopic patients.